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The Psychological Benefits Of A Wood Burning Stove

There are plenty of practical benefits to wood-burning stoves: they keep us warm, enable us to cook delicious food when we are out in the wild, and they can even save us money on our gas and electric bills.

But we seldom talk about the psychological benefits of a log fire.

In a world where a pandemic has become the norm, politics have become disheartening at best and completely heartbreaking at worst, and the news is filled with war and a seemingly endless stream of things that are going to cost us more money, self-care has never been more important

A wood-burning stove can provide us with a comforting space to sit with family and friends, somewhere to unwind after a hard day and an opportunity to really take care of ourselves.

If you are curious about the psychological benefits of a wood-burning stove, read on!

Rest and relaxation

It will hardly come as a surprise that sitting in front of a fire makes us feel more relaxed but you probably don’t know the science behind this.

Sitting in front of a fire is a multi-sensory experience; the flames draw us in, the crackles and pops engage our ears, the heat permeates our bodies, and the dreamy aroma of log fire smoke wafts over us.

With all this happening at once we become preoccupied with the fire itself and the complexities, trials and tribulations of the day become little more than a distant memory.

Lulled into a peaceful and restful state our anxieties and stress levels are gently lowered and we can let go of what has been troubling us and allow ourselves to enjoy some well-deserved R&R.

Happy place

Not only is a wood-burning stove super relaxing, but it is also an excellent mood enhancer. As the winters draw in we spend much of our time cold and in the dark. Fire provides us with the much-needed light and warmth that we crave and this immediately takes us to a happier place.

The popular stove company Charnwood Stoves noted that “Fire is deep within the human psyche and sits in a happy place in our limbic brain. You get lost from the day to day in a fire – it’s a little bit of wilderness in the order of the day to day”.

Human connection

An evening fire is a perfect opportunity to connect and bond with your family and friends. For thousands of years, a lit fire has been the home of storytelling, the sharing of secrets and dreams and snuggling close to the people we love.

“ Love is friendship caught fire” – Ann Landers

Lighting a wood-burning stove gives you a chance to switch off the telly and properly engage with your loved ones. Whether you play a board game, chat about your day or just have a cosy cuddle you will be strengthening and enhancing your relationships with minimal effort involved.

Meditative moments

Meditation has really gained traction in the modern world over the last twenty years. Gone are the days when meditation was left to monks and gurus. These days apps and youtube tutorials have made meditation common practice and the benefits are endless.

Find your zen in front of the flames

Sitting in front of a log-burning stove is the ideal place to harness your zen and free your mind. Meditation is proven to lower blood pressure, relieve depression, improve the quality of your sleep and generally boost your wellbeing.

Home is where the heart is

If home is where the heart is then a log-burning stove is the perfect tool for improving the atmosphere of your home.

Fire makes a home feel homey. We talk a lot about “vibes” these days and log fires certainly create good vibes in abundance.

A log burner provides an intimate, cosy setting in the heart of your home that will flow into every corner of the house and make you feel like you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Set your life on fire

As you can see a fire blazing in a wood-burning stove has endless benefits to every aspect of your life.

If you are keen to start reaping the rewards of a log fire then why not head on over to our website here and get all the fire-making materials you need to set your life on fire.

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