Welcome to our new and improved website; or more accurately sites because we now have a site for distributing our products nationally and locally as well as an online ordering process for our wholesale customers (see our wholesale site here!).
If you are a new customer we welcome you and invite you to become a member of the Logwise Family by completing the short form on the Logwise Family page. This will mean you receive the latest updates and special offers on our products as well as news on woodland management, the firewood industry, farming, countryside living and more.
This new site aims to provide as easy a shopping experience as possible whilst also providing detailed and thorough information on our products, our business and more widely on the British firewood industry. Highlighting the benefits of buying British firewood is important to us because it is the most sustainable and ecological source of firewood products.
We aim to update the site regularly through this blog and with further explainers on the firewood industry in the UK, as well as the latest news of life in the Logwise office, life on our farm and our busy log yard.
We’re a friendly bunch so please feel free to get in touch, provide feedback on our service and products throughout this site or on social media.
Warmest regards, Gareth